Digital Tutors Rendering Interiors with Mental Ray and Maya 2011 (Maya2011室內照明與mental ray渲染教學) 英文正式版(DVD一片裝)
本教學是由Digital-Tutors機構最新出品的Maya2011室內照明與mental ray渲染教學。
Digital-Tutors : Rendering Interiors with mental ray and Maya 2011
2 hrs. 35 min. |Released on April 4, 2011 |Project Files Included (34 MB)
Required Software: Maya 2011 and up
In this series of lessons we will explore techniques and workflows for
setting up realistic lighting for your interior scenes, and rendering these
scenes using mental ray.
The ability to realistically light an interior environment is a skill that
is highly sought after in the CG industry. It is a skill that is used very
heavily in areas such as feature films, games, and architectural visualizations.
This course will explore the entire, step-by-step process of lighting your
scenes. We will start by learning how to make sure that our lights are behaving
in a way that is physically accurate by utilizing real-world light data in our
scenes. From there, we will learn how to incorporate realistic secondary
illumination into our scenes, learn how to create physically-accurate materials
in Maya, and explore many techniques and workflows designed to help you
overcome many of the common issues that you are likely to encounter in your
own scenes.